
Revving it Up


It’s been a while since I touched this blog. My excuse, Travis CI. I was about to do another post and realized it wouldn’t update. So, I spent like 10 mins moving it from Travis to Github Actions. Turned out nicely and I don’t have to worry about dumb credits. Work has been relentless in keeping me busy but PMD: Red has made some good progress. Here’s a status update:

725060 total bytes of code
118544 bytes of code in src (16.3495%)
606516 bytes of code in asm (83.6505%)

10794 total symbols
3134 symbols documented (29.0346%)
153 symbols partially documented (1.4175%)
7507 symbols undocumented (69.5479%)

32059318 total bytes of data
20902 bytes of data in src (0.0652%)
32038416 bytes of data (99.9348%)

2878058 bytes of data in 1431 incbins (89.6715%)

So far, there’s some pretty good progress. A recent contributor, DenSinH, has come along to help with decomping items and Pokemon. This has allowed me to work some more on data and shiftability. As you can see from recent PRs, most of the story line dungeons have actually been converted to JSON to allow for future tools to read/edit it. PoryDungeon when?

Aside from that, I did pre-order a Steam Deck so can’t wait to try that out and enjoy. COVID seems to drag on here but we keep on going. For me, I’ll keep revving through it all as we just saw with my blog.

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