

Well, now that I am settling into the quarantine of COVID-19, I guess I should catch up on what is going on with me right now. Besides trying to adjust to the rest of my semester and basically college career now online, I’ve been trying to do other things. I’ve been contributing a lot more to AwesomeWM. I helped convert the hotkeys_popup to awful.popup instead of the popup doing the drawing itself. Pretty cool, I must say. After that, doing some research to see how calendar_popup can convert to it. We’ll see, eh.

Besides personal projects, adulting is hard. Spent the spring break searching for apartments which was fun until dealing with the aftermath of COVID-19. California is fun from what I’ve seen so far. Let’s hope it stays that way when I get there for good in 2 months. Besides that, I’m taking it one day at a time. See ya on the other side.

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