
I am still alive

Huh, I haven’t really posted much on this blog. It’s been almost a year since the last post. Since then, I got my degree in Computer Engineering (mailed to me, of course because of COVID) and I’m settling into my job in California. I’ve almost finished up my first year in my Test Engineering position and will rotate in June to a new position for a year. I don’t have an idea what it will be yet however it should be in California so I won’t have to move again. (I really don’t want to move again right when I just did it.) Aside from work, I’ve been doing more reverse engineering work on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team. In fact, I’m the main contributor behind the work right now. I was given collaborator status to the main pret repo so I’ve been hard at work pushing the decompilation. (Currently at 6% C Code and 24% symbols documented btw) I have a cute cat, Tanner, who snuggles with me and reminds me of the good in the world during these hard times. Given that most of my family are in Texas and my flaw of never communicating, sometimes my family worry about whether I am still alive. I had to respond to my mom today saying that “Yes, I am still alive”. Make sure to keep your loved ones in contact. Practice what I preach, am I right?

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