
Another Year, Still a Pandemic

Currently in the terminal here at Love Field, with my mask on my face. I’ve had an hour and a half delay so figured I should probably write one of these since it’s been a while. My job has kept me busy but that doesn’t mean that any of my projects are on the backburner. PMD-Red has been pretty steady the past year with consistent contributions from multiple people. pfero has recently joined up and cleaned up the shoddy job that I did on the Makefile. One of the nice benefits has been better dependency scanning and faster builds! As we approach 25% decompiled C code, I can’t help but smile that my initial perseverance has paid off with more and more people coming to help this project. When I have some free time, I’ve been tinkering with new stuff too. Recently, I’ve looked into cutter (python/qt alternative to Ghidra). Sometimes Java can be a pain on linux but this isn’t one of those cases. As with most software, I just want to do a comparison for myself and figure out what works best for me. But at least, I can use the Ghidra decompiler in cutter! My nvim config hasn’t really changed much despite the fast moving environment of neovim 0.5 and 0.6. Only changes I’ve had to do was change was an API call that was modified on 0.6 for LSP but that’s understandable as the API isn’t even stable yet. Most of my config is intended to be usable on VIM too. The LSP is just a little icing on the cake that I enjoy but don’t depend on. (I slowly cannot say the same for treesitter. Dang, it’s nice.) I’ve debated trying to make a colorscheme but given my terrible art and creativity skills, I’m not sure how well that would go. Maybe I’ll just stick to my challenger-deep, for now. When I am truly bored, I’ll give it a go.

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